Breakfast and Lunch Clubs

 Breakfast Club

there is much evidence that shows that missing the first meal of the day affects children’s ability to learn. so providing a safe healthy environment for children at the start of the day does not only provide economic child care for working families but gives your students a good solid start to the school day, we enhance this by providing physical stimulation through the provision of low impact physical games which is proven to help children focus and do better in class

further information on resurrect can be found in Teaching Times

Lunch Time Clubs

guided play at lunch times has a number of benefits for the children and your school, not only do the children develop interpersonal skills but it helps us to promote Respect, Sportsmanship, Teamwork, as well as allows us to coach sporting skills linked to individual sports, we focus on eradication the anti social aspects of bullying and building an environment where everyone is included no mater of there age or ability